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Are you ready for a dog? When the dog arrives at the new home

Before you decide to get a dog, you must be aware of some basic facts.

A dog is an animal that, like all creatures, has certain needs that must not be neglected. He needs regular meals, walks, veterinary care, and, of course, love, attention, and upbringing, during the whole 15 years,
how long does he live on average. You have to understand that puppies and old dogs also require extra care and attention.

Therefore, the dog must be welcomed: A room that is quiet and protected from drafts, where the dog will spend most of its time. Bearing (purchased plastic bearings are the easiest to maintain and the most resistant to biting). Bowls for water (with fresh water always available) and food. Food (ready-made food or ingredients for preparing cooked food – the choice is yours). First aid kit (disinfectants, gauze, basic medicines. Consult your veterinarian for more details). Guaranteed veterinary care – don’t wait to choose a veterinarian or a veterinary clinic, because you don’t know when you’ll need it! Toys (they must be made of harmless materials and resistant to biting, in the sense that the dog cannot tear off a part, swallow it, and injure internal organs/suffocate). It would be desirable to have quality literature about dogs always at hand. Also, it is necessary to take the dog to the veterinarian, for a general health check and information about vaccinations, cleaning from external and internal parasites, nutrition, sterilization, etc. This applies to all dogs – from those just “picked up” from the street to those adopted by associations or guardians, to those that are paid dearly!

A dog is not a toy – it is a living being, capable of feeling pain, suffering, fear, and stress, just like humans. A dog suffers when it is abused, abandoned, or physically and mentally neglected. You must be aware of that at all times. For a dog, a change of family is harmful in every way, i.e. owner. So if you make a commitment to take care of a dog, you have to make a commitment to take care of him when he becomes much bigger and stronger, when he is sick, when he gets old. So, his whole life. In return, the dog will give you unconditional love, friendship, and loyalty which only a few can give you in life. There is hardly a credible comparison for canine affection. And the best thing is when you discover it yourself. The following item cannot be underlined and emphasized enough: if you, from under any circumstances, forced to give up your dog, under no circumstances don’t leave it to fate by throwing it out on the street! Opinions that the dog is better off if it is “free”, that “someone will surely feed it” and yes that “most of them manage” are among the cruelest lies about dogs. The truth is that a dog that grew up in a household has really miserable, almost no chances of surviving abandonment. The largest number of former pets die from different causes of diseases (domestic dogs have weaker immunity), are crippled or injured in traffic, from other dogs or human hands (because they don’t have a keen sense of who and what is needed to stay away, unlike adult dogs on the street). Therefore, if you really have no other choice, try to find new, responsible owners for your pet, either with the help of friends, advertisements, or associations for the protection of animals. You owe him that much.