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Do you know why dogs howl? 4 reasons why | Feelings for animals

If you wonder why dogs howl and what they want to tell you, just think of a picture of a lone wolf and everything will be clear to you. Long ago, before dogs were domesticated, they howled like their wolf relatives to communicate within and among packs.

Howling allows other dogs to locate each other and serves as a territorial warning to surrounding animals.

dog howl

A study conducted by the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bari in Italy found that dogs offer more vocal variety than wolves. This is probably due to their close relationships with humans. In addition, the study found that dogs use certain vocalizations with humans and other dogs, although some sounds send completely different messages when directed at a person. This means that a dog can howl at other dogs to let them know where it is, but it can also howl to let you know that it killed a rabbit in the yard.

Here are some other reasons your dog might be howling:

  1. Attention

The American Kennel Club expands on this idea by citing lack of attention as one motive for howling. It’s one way for a dog to say I’m here and can you see me?

  1. Nerves

Dogs may howl because they suffer from separation anxiety or because they are nervous. Note that these are two very different things. If a dog walker or neighbor tells you that the dog has been howling during the day while you are at work, this is probably a symptom of separation. On the other hand, if you hear your dog howl as you walk in the door, and then continue to howl while you prepare dinner, then the reason may be nervousness.

  1. Triggers

Many pet owners have reported dogs howling in response to sirens. Others have heard dogs howl in response to the music.

  1. Injury

Finally, howling can be a sign that the dog is in pain. You might be able to distinguish this vocalization from the others because it will more than likely be accompanied by physical restlessness. But this is not always the case, so if you cannot determine the reason for the dog’s howling, you should visit the vet.