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How to teach a cat to use a litter box

You’ve probably heard many times that cats are impossible to train! Don’t give up so quickly, though. Many cats can master various skills, including the one that will surely mean the most to you—how to defecate in a litter box.

Kittens quickly learn where their “toilet” is by imitating their mother, however, if you adopt a cat that doesn’t know, there are tricks to teach it.

cat use a litter box

Place the kitten regularly in the litter box, especially after eating or when it wakes up, and let it explore the territory. The litter box must always be clean, as cats are very tidy animals and will not use a dirty litter box. Also pay attention to washing the dish with a detergent that does not have a strong smell, because this can also repel your pet.

Your cat may not like the type of sand you have chosen, so try a different type.

Also know that cats don’t want to defecate while someone is watching them, so place the bowl in a quieter corner of your home.

If the kitten does have an accident outside the bowl, don’t scold it! Just tell him flatly – “No!”, and then place him in the bowl and praise him while he’s in it. Soon, he will start to associate the praise and the bowl with sand, and defecate in the right place!

Cats can get used to defecating in the same spot, but if that’s not where the bowl is, there’s a problem. You will repel it by cleaning the area of ​​all odors, preferably with a mixture of vinegar and water, and then putting plastic or aluminum foil over it because cats do not like the sound and feeling of walking on such surfaces.