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Why the cat refuses to use the sand

Every owner knows how important it is for their pet to learn to use cat litter in time. However, that is not the end of the road. In a certain period, and after successfully mastering the use of the cat toilet, the cat can refuse to use the sand. Why is this happening? What to do in such cases? Read the rest of this text.

Refusal to use the litter box most often does not mean a habituation problem or a character problem, it can be more than that! Pay attention to the signs that your cat sends you because they can also indicate a health problem.

Why does the cat refuse to use sand?

Why the cat refuses to use the sand

There are three main reasons why your cat refuses to use the litter, even though he is already used to using it:

The cat has some health problems – which can be urinary tract diseases, bacterial cystitis, kidney failure, liver disease, or diabetes.
Changes in the household – the trigger can be space renovation, moving, new pets or family members, and the presence of non-domestic cats. This is especially true if you have a senior cat.
Problems with the litter box – cats are considered very neat creatures, so they will refuse to use the litter if it does not meet their “hygiene standards”.

Let’s dwell a little on the third item. What exactly are the characteristics of a neat cat toilet? It must be clean, and neither too deep nor too shallow. Most cats prefer a sand thickness of about 5 cm. The toilet must not be inaccessible or have sand that makes the kitty feel uncomfortable. She will then prefer to defecate outside of him.

How to teach a cat to use a litter box

Also, you must have enough toilets throughout the living space, and in locations that your cats like. If not, she can avoid using them. If you recently changed the litter, or your cat doesn’t like it, this can also be a reason for defecating in inappropriate places. Consider whether all this is followed, and we are sure that there will be no problems.

Avoid this if you want the cat to get used to sand again

Sometimes owners think that they need to “teach the cat smart” or train it to return to using the sand. We know from experience that these attempts end very successfully. Here’s what you should avoid:
rubbing the cat’s nose with urine or feces,
catching the cat and carrying it to the litter box,
confining the cat to a smaller room with a litter box, without trying to solve the problem in some other way first,
placing a litter box near where the cat eats or drinks water,
give treats while the cat uses the toilet, to encourage. Cats don’t want to be disturbed while defecating,
cleaning the “accident” site with an ammonia-based agent – use an enzyme cleaner instead.

Sometimes things just get out of your control, and that’s where your authority as the owner ends. In those cases, when there is a health problem with your pet, it is best to consult with your veterinarian of choice.