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Why do dogs eat grass? Does your dog also eat grass and throw up?

Why do dogs eat grass?

Does your dog swallow grass and then throw up soon after? Or is he still a little more picky, so he a been looking for a long time for a special herb that pleases his picky palate?
This is a common dog behavior that often confuses its owners. Why do dogs swallow, eat and then throw up?
The truth is that no one is 100% sure. Different dogs have different reasons for doing this, but these are some of the most common causes of this unusual behavior.

Why do dogs eat grass? Chewing grass. Swallow grass.
Why do dogs eat grass? Chewing and Swallowing


Your pet jumps as soon as he hears someone swallowing something and he will accept whatever food someone offers him. Does he crawl under the table and “vacuum” every crumb he comes across? So why stop there?
Grass can have a very interesting and refreshing taste for your little omnivore.


Swallowing grass, In some cases, is just another way to pass the time, if you just let him out in the yard and don’t play with him, he’s forced to look for an occupation on his own. Soon he will get bored of everything and will have nothing else to do but nibble on the grass.

Stomach problems

Some experts believe that dogs try to heal themselves by eating certain plants. You will notice this easily if your dog has shown no interest in the grass until now, and then suddenly swallows large quantities and then vomits. However, even in this case, you should not panic, because only in 10% of cases with this behavior is a stomach virus.

If you still don’t understand Why do dogs eat grass? there’s nothing to worry about. Veterinarians believe that this is completely normal behavior and that although the grass does not have any nutritional value for the dog, it will not harm him either. The only thing you should pay attention to is that you don’t let them near plants that have been sprayed, because pesticides and herbicides can harm a dog’s health.

what does google say? – Dogs need roughage in their diets and grass is a good source of fiber. A lack of roughage affects the dog’s ability to digest food and pass stool, so grass may actually help their bodily functions run more smoothly.