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Why does the cat rub its paws on us?

Cats are mysterious, fascinating animals, and one of the most unusual things they do is “mix” with their paws.

This favorite activity involves pressing the cat’s paws against a soft surface. It seems to be a relaxing activity for cats that is often accompanied by purring, and some even drool while doing it. No one knows for sure why cats do this and what exactly it is about this activity that calms them down.

One theory is that cats chew to show pleasure or relieve stress. Regardless of the fact that the exact reason for this behavior is not known, one thing is certain: a cat that chews is a happy cat.

cat paws

Other scientists believe that this is how cats prepare a place to sleep. It is true that cats chew before sleeping. This is similar to the theory that dogs go around in circles before they lie down.

Kittens chew while sucking, so many believe that cats have this reflex from an early age and it occurs when they need someone to care for them. This is most often the case if the cat is separated from its mother too soon.

They bite to mark territory. Cats have scent glands on their paws, and when they chew, their scent inevitably reaches the surface they are chewing on. Behaviorists speculate that adult cats meow to emphasize pleasure, to soothe themselves when stressed, and to mark a person or object with their scent. And whether it’s your pajamas or your bed, the cat will do its best to leave a mark that it’s been there.

Although kneading is pleasant for your cat, it can have the complete opposite effect on you and your clothes if the cat claws out in the process.

Here are some ways to let your cat roam freely without scratching your legs and clothes:

  • Keep the cat’s claws short.
  • Teach her to knead in a different place by gently moving her off your lap each time.
  • Stop her from stirring by petting her or giving her a toy.
  • Let her knead on your lap when you are protected by the cover to avoid scratches.